My goal is to conduct research of high impact. I target all my work to the Financial Times 50 list and seek to publish in the journals of highest regard in strategy and entrepreneurship. My current published research is highly cited (link to Google Scholar). My research follows three major streams: business strategy, entrepreneurship, and business ethics.
I am serve on the editorial board for the Journal of Management and the Africa Journal of Management. I am an alumnus of the PhD Project Management Doctoral Association and a member of the Management Faculty of Color Association.
Business Strategy
Coombs, J.E., Gilley, K.M., O’Connor J.P., & Thorley T.E., & Wesley C.L. (2018). Religiosity and Corporate Illegal Activity. Journal of Business Strategy, 35: 22-47.
Ndofor, H.A., Wesley, C.L., & Priem, R.L. (2015). Providing CEOs with Cheating Opportunities: The Effects of Complexity-based Information Asymmetries on Financial Reporting Fraud. Journal of Management, 41: 1774-1797. Subject of research brief at the University of South Carolina Center for Executive Succession (January 15, 2016).
Saxton, T., Wesley C.L., & Saxton M.K. (2016). Venture Advocate Behaviors and the Development of the Emerging Enterprise. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10: 107-125.
Miller, T.L., Wesley, C.L., & Williams, D.E. (2012). Educating the Minds of Caring Hearts: Comparing the Views of Practitioners and Educators on the Importance of Social Entrepreneurship Competencies. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 11: 349-370.
Miller, T.L., & Wesley, C.L. (2010). Assessing Mission and Resources for Social Change: An Organizational Identity Perspective on Social Venture Capitalists' Decision Criteria. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34: 705-733. Equal authorship. 6th Annual New York University Stern School Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurs Best Paper Award, 2009.
Coombs, J.E., Gilley, K.M, Sirmon, D., & Wesley, C.L. (2008). A Contingency Model of Social Corporate Performance in Family Firms. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 28: Article 7.
Business Ethics
Wesley, C.L., Martin, G.W., Rice D.B., Lubojacky C.L. Do The Right Thing: An Imprinting Perspective on Upper Echelons. Journal of Business Ethics, (in press)
Miller, T.L., Wesley, C.L., Bell, M.P, & Avery, D.R. (2021). Hold the Torch: Shining a Light on the Lives of Black Management Faculty. Journal of Management, 47: 351-367.
Wesley, C.L., & Ndofor, H.A. (2013). “The Great Escape”: The Unaddressed Ethical Issue of Investor Responsibility for Corporate Malfeasance. Business Ethics Quarterly, 3: 443-475. Subject of feature article (author: Christopher O’Malley) in the Banking and Finance section of the Indianapolis Business Journal, August 31, 2013.
The Great Escape:
The Unaddressed Ethical Issue of Investor
Responsibility for Corporate Malfeasance
Hold the Torch: Shining a Light on the
Lives of Black Management Faculty
Assessing Mission and Resources for Social Change:
An Organizational Identity Perspective on Social
Venture Capitalists Decision Criteria
Educating the Minds of Caring Hearts:
Comparing the Views of Practitioners and Educators on
the Importance of Social Entrepreneurship Competencies
Venture Advocate Behaviors and The Emerging Enterprise
Do the Right Thing: The Imprinting of Deonance at the Upper Echelons
Religiosity and Corporate Illegal Activity
Awaiting Working Paper Abstracts for download.